Become a letter carrier at Deutsche Post DHL
As a letter carrier, you deliver mail and parcels to the people in your district. You don't let the weather spoil your mood. We also welcome career changers and students, because it's who you are that counts!
Become a letter carrier for parcels and letters in Cologne
Your salary
- 15.49 € standard hourly wage (17.05€ from 04.2024)
- Up to € 180 tax-free special payment per month possible
- Full-time
Additional benefits
- Vacation and Christmas bonus
- Possibility of payment of overtime
- Free provision of high quality work clothes
- Attractive employee offers such as employer-funded, company pension plan, bicycle leasing, discounts with mobile phone providers, etc.
Your tasks
- Delivery of letter and parcel shipments with provided auxiliary means
- Delivery in 5 working days (between Monday and Saturday)
- Delivery with our business vehicles, e.g. all-electric vehicles
- You have a car driver's license
- You are reliable and outgoing
At which location do you want to work
What jobs can I find on WorkerHero?
On WorkerHero you can find all kinds of jobs. For example, as a delivery driver, in retail, as a forklift driver or in service. Currently, thousands of job offers are waiting for you. Register now to find your new job.
How do I apply for a job?
You need a WorkerHero profile to apply for jobs.
Once you have created your profile, you can apply for your desired job by clicking on "Apply". We will forward your profile to the company. For some jobs, you can also book an interview appointment immediately.
How does WorkerHero work?
Register for free at WorkerHero and create your profile. With your complete profile, you can apply for job offers from companies or complete online training courses in the Academy.
Is WorkerHero free of charge?
WorkerHero is and will remain free of charge for applicants.
Who is WorkerHero suitable for?
WorkerHero exists to make your job search easier. Therefore, WorkerHero is made for everyone who is looking for a job. No matter if you are looking for a full time job, a part time job, a mini-job or a working student job. No matter what language you speak or where you come from. With us, everyone will find a suitable job.