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AVS transport insurance
Darum solltest Du bei AVS Verkehrsversicherungen arbeiten
-30 Urlaubstage
-Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld
-Spesen: Unterwegs immer gut versorgt
-Job Rad: Bleib fit und mobil
-Weiterbildungen: Bleib auf dem neuesten Stand
-und Weiteres! 🚀
Good payment
Fixed working hours
Job wheel
Top employer
About the company
AVS Verkehrssicherung GmbH
Daimlerstraße 37
48308 Senden
Die AVS Verkehrsversicherung bietet eine großartige Möglichkeit, in einem Unternehmen zu arbeiten, das führend in der temporären Versicherung und Baustellenabsicherung in Deutschland ist. Mit dem Ziel , durch innovative Lösungen und Engagement das Straßenverkehrsumfeld sicherer zu gestalten, verfolgt AVS die Vision "Vision Zero"- keine Toten und Schwerverletzten im Straßenverkehr. Als Mitarbeiter profitierst Du von einem dynamischen, zukunftsorientierten Arbeitsumfeld, das Sicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit in den Mittelpunkt stellt und kontinuierlich neue Standards setzt!
In 3 steps to a better job:
1. create profile
2. receive or apply for job offers
3. select job
Frequently asked
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What jobs can I find on WorkerHero?
On WorkerHero you can find all kinds of jobs. For example, as a delivery driver, in retail, as a forklift driver or in service. Currently, thousands of job offers are waiting for you. Register now to find your new job.
How do I apply for a job?
You need a WorkerHero profile to apply for jobs.
Once you have created your profile, you can apply for your desired job by clicking on "Apply". We will forward your profile to the company. For some jobs, you can also book an interview appointment immediately.
How does WorkerHero work?
Register for free at WorkerHero and create your profile. With your complete profile, you can apply for job offers from companies or complete online training courses in the Academy.
Who is WorkerHero suitable for?
WorkerHero exists to make your job search easier. Therefore, WorkerHero is made for everyone who is looking for a job. No matter if you are looking for a full time job, a part time job, a mini-job or a working student job. No matter what language you speak or where you come from. With us, everyone will find a suitable job.
Is WorkerHero free of charge?
WorkerHero is and will remain free of charge for applicants.