
Becoming an employee magnet as a company

Steven Miller
Steven Miller
 Becoming an employee magnet as a company

The need for blue collar employees is great

The employer market is currently undergoing a transformation into an employee market. The market environment is therefore more competitive than ever.

In supermarkets and restaurants, factories or even in logistics centers: companies are desperately looking for unskilled as well as skilled workers.

In light of the "war of talent," many employers are wondering:

How to become an attractive employer?

A simple rule is:

The "battle for manpower" can only be won by those who create development opportunities. This means offering employees a respectable position and a supportive corporate culture, valuing them and also providing them with further training.

But how does that work?

What is important to employees at their current or future employer? What processes, incentives and framework conditions should be created by recruiters?

From our many years of experience and insights, we derive what companies should definitely consider when recruiting, retaining and developing employees.

We are guided by the question of what the recruiting and employee management of the future will look like and how it can be implemented in concrete terms.

How can this information be used for recruiting?

What do employees want?

Our independently conducted survey provides comprehensive insights into what matters to workers in blue collar fields.

For employers, these results should provide a good basis for how to rethink and improve their own processes.

Want the full range of tips and insights for HR departments, recruiters and HR developers? Click here for our whitepaper including all survey data.

on the left is a text "this is how you find employees", on the right is a picture of a whitepaper. At the bottom is a button: download now

The way to work is crucial

It's no big surprise that applicants are attracted by the following features: Fair pay, a job that is as appealing or varied as possible, and a short distance to work.

However, many companies still do not consider commuting to work to be a key factor. Yet this requirement is extremely important to applicants - it is not for nothing that it ranks third in the question "What is most important to job seekers in the blue collar sector? The commute to work and the time required to get there represent a decisive factor and should therefore definitely be actively taken into account by recruiters in the employee search.

Bus, on foot, carpool, in your own car? 

Offering a public transport ticket or even fare subsidies can be the decisive motivator for potential applicants here. 

What makes the target applicant group tick?

As can be seen in the simple example of the work route and the recommendations for action, it is first extremely important to know the requirements precisely

So how can the right course be set today to reach the employees of tomorrow? 

Changing the attitude with which job seekers are approached is another measure that can be deeply embedded in corporate values. Putting applicants first in the recruiting process often yields concrete insights into applicants' wants and needs.


Our Tip:

In addition to varied fields of activity, creating other measures for satisfaction - this is the best way to keep employees in the company in the long term. 

For example, have you ever checked whether vacancies can be filled internally?

With the help of an online questionnaire for the workforce, talents, synergies and wishes can be recorded. If necessary, this can result in a win-win - so why not try it out?

Our independently conducted survey reveals that there is a willingness among employees to switch to warehouse, retail or hospitality jobs.

So why leave the field to the competition. Become active today!

The tables can also be turned

For a competitive environment that is desperate for blue collar workers, a second recommended course of action can be derived from this:

As a company that is looking for employees, it is also worthwhile to source for new colleagues in related industries. 

To this end, it is imperative to provide suitable training and continuing education programs for lateral entrants. After all, offering newcomers suitable training and integration measures is crucial for a good start. In order not to lose motivated employees - both new and existing - the way for retraining should therefore definitely be paved.

Again, listening and giving opportunities are key! Start today to empower, develop and thus retain workers for the long term. 

Why do employees change employers?

In order to act preventively or position yourself as an attractive employer for job changers, it is important to understand the background for the change. According to our survey, workers particularly seek a job change when they are dissatisfied or want to try something new. 

Do you already regularly survey your employees on their satisfaction? With this simple measure, you can identify shaky candidates at an early stage and counteract them through communication. In addition to the actual salary, "perks" are also a good way to offer additional motivation.

However, a bonus system can be the decisive pull factor not only for retaining employees, but also for attracting them. However, companies should always communicate transparently and clearly which perks and bonuses they offer to ensure that employees also recognize the value behind them and thus give it greater significance.

How can companies address the needs of employees?

One thing is clear: If the initial conditions are not right, employees will not want to commit to a company for the long term.

In order to value employees and offer them a pleasant environment, a healthy and flourishing corporate culture is required. Only in this way can blind spots be uncovered and dysfunctional processes and areas be revitalized in a positive and appreciative manner. A central point here is communication at eye level. Seeing people as people and treating them with respect and appreciation makes a decisive contribution to a positive culture.

The crux of the matter is that values are not just on a billboard or on the company's homepage, but are actually lived out in the company. 

This results in crystal-clear recommendations for action for employers

Developing employees usually also unleashes potential to pave the way for the company's own development.

Imagine the following:

An unskilled worker with no knowledge of German joins your company. What if, after a short time, she could move from the assembly line to logistics, where people are urgently needed? "Purpose", i.e. supporting and advancing people internally, should not be reserved for white collar functions. Gratitude is not an expression at all - companies often have the means and opportunities to see people, to promote people.

Still unsure how to implement this in your company?

Our software supports the work of recruiters and automates processes - such as searching for suitable candidates, screening employees, scheduling appointments and communicating with job seekers. This ensures that enough suitable candidates are available for each open position. Our software prepares the data in a user-friendly way and supports you and your team with automated communication workflows. This allows adjustments to be made on a data-driven basis to create a more competitive job offering.

In 3 steps to a better job:

1. create profile

2. receive or apply for job offers

3. select job