What is a part-time job?
Looking for a way to increase your income or learn new skills? A part-time job could be just what you need. But what exactly is a part-time job and how does it differ from a mini-job? In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about part-time jobs, including tips on what to look out for and what opportunities are available.
Part-time job: what is it?
A part-time job is a job that you do alongside your main job. In contrast to a full-time job, a part-time job requires fewer working hours and therefore offers the opportunity to earn extra money without neglecting your main job. Find out more about the basics in our article - what is full-time.
What do I need to bear in mind for a part-time job?
There are a few important points to consider before you take on a part-time job:
- Working hours: Make sure that the working hours of your part-time job do not clash with your main job.
- Contractual regulations: Check whether your main employer allows secondary employment.
- Tax aspects: Find out about the possible tax consequences of a part-time job.
Which part-time job is allowed?
In principle, many types of part-time jobs are permitted as long as they do not conflict with your main job. Popular side jobs include:
- Courier services (More about the salary of courier drivers)
- Waitressing (insight into waitressing salary)
- Tutoring
- Freelance work in areas such as writing, graphic design or web development
Difference between part-time job and mini-job
Although the terms are often used interchangeably, there are clear differences between a part-time job and a mini-job:
- Second job: Any type of employment in addition to the main job, regardless of income and working hours.
- Mini-job: A specific marginal employment in which the income may not exceed 520 euros (2024) per month. Mini-jobs are generally tax and duty-free for the employee.
Both types of jobs offer the opportunity to generate additional income, but the legal and tax framework conditions differ.
If you're looking for a part-time job, it's worth considering the wide range of options that match your skills and interests. From jobs in Hamburg to opportunities in Baden-Württemberg or Munich - the choice is vast. And who knows, maybe your next step in your career development is just a few clicks away on Jobs in Germany.