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What is the salary as an HVAC plant mechanic?

Steven Miller
Steven Miller
What is the salary as an HVAC plant mechanic?

The salary as a plant mechanic in the field of sanitary, heating and air conditioning technology (SHK) in Germany depends on several factors, including professional experience, specialization, company size and place of work. Here we offer you an overview of the salary range in this occupational field.

Salary of an HVAC plant mechanic per month and per year

The salary of a plant mechanic in the field of sanitary, heating and air conditioning technology (SHK) starts at a monthly gross salary of around € 2,500 to € 2,800 for beginners. Calculated over the year, this corresponds to an income of € 30,000 to € 33,600. With increasing professional experience and skills, many professionals see their income increase, with salaries rising up to €3,500 per month or €42,000 per year.

Hourly wage of an SHK plant mechanic

As far as the hourly wage is concerned, this is usually between €14 and €18 for HVAC plant mechanics. The exact amount can vary depending on individual qualifications and the place of work, as regional differences play a role.

Salary of a SHK master craftsman in Germany

For those who strive for further qualification and acquire the title of master craftsman in the HVAC sector, there is usually a significant increase in salary. A master plumber can expect a monthly gross salary of €3,500 to €4,500 . This is reflected in an annual gross income of €42,000 to €59,000, which underlines the financial benefits of further vocational training.

Table with relevant salary data in the SHK sector:

Please note that this information is intended as a guide. For accurate and up-to-date salary information, it is advisable to check directly with employers or on specialized salary portals. The information is based on average market values and general industry knowledge up to April 2023. For up-to-date data, it is advisable to refer to specialized salary portals or official statistics from the Federal Employment Agency.

Find jobs as an HVAC plant mechanic

Are you interested in a job as an HVAC plant mechanic? WorkerHero is a comprehensive job platform that covers a wide range of professions, including electrician, HVAC mechanic, mechanic, warehouse worker, bus driver and many more. It is aimed at professionals looking for new career opportunities in these and other industries. With a wide range of job ads and useful career tips, WorkerHero helps job seekers find suitable jobs and supports companies in their search for qualified personnel. Find out more on WorkerHero SHK jobs and discover the diversity of your career opportunities.

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