Well-paid part-time jobs & mini-jobs for students

For many students, it is important to have a job during their studies that not only supplements their budget but also offers flexible working hours. But what exactly is a student job and what types are there? In this article, we take a look at the various options available to students, including mini-jobs, part-time jobs and part-time jobs, and how you can find the best-paying offers to suit you.
What is a student job?
A student job is a job specifically designed for students to enable them to earn money alongside their studies without compromising their studies. These jobs are often flexible in terms of working hours and workload so that they are compatible with your study schedule.
Difference between mini-job and part-time job
While mini-jobs are usually on a 520-euro basis, part-time jobs are often part-time positions that can offer more flexibility in terms of hours and earnings, but may be subject to tax and social security contributions. Part-time jobs allow students to earn more while gaining work experience in their field, which can be particularly valuable.
Good mini-jobs for students
Mini-jobs are ideal for students as they are based on 520 euros and are therefore tax-privileged. Such jobs require fewer working hours and still offer a fixed income. Find out about well-paid mini-jobs that can help you finance your studies without taking up too much of your time.
Examples of mini-jobs for students
- Library assistant: You work in a university library and help organize books and assist visitors. A particular advantage here is that you can often use your working hours to study for your degree.
- Sales assistant in bookshops or clothing stores: Part-time employment in retail is ideal for students because of the flexible shifts.
- Tutor students: Offer tutoring in the subjects or areas you are good at to help students in younger grades or high school students and earn extra money.
- Promotional jobs: Participation in marketing campaigns or events is often based on daily rates. Without long-term commitments, promotional jobs are the perfect job for the semester break.
- Warehouse assistant: You help out in the warehouse and support the employees in logistics and goods receiving, for example with the storage and retrieval of goods. Flexible shifts make it possible to coordinate this job very well with your studies. You can find the best warehouse assistant jobs in Germany here.
- Event set-up assistant: You help with the set-up and dismantling of stages, concert halls or company events. Due to the irregular working hours at the various events, this job is perfect for your semester break.
- Delivery services: Work as a courier driver for food or parcels, often with the opportunity to choose your own working hours and earn tip money. You can find the best delivery driver jobs in Germany here.
Finding good part-time jobs for students
The hourly wage for student jobs can vary greatly depending on the industry, the region and the type of work. In larger cities such as Munich, the earning potential is often higher. Find out more about jobs in Munich and compare which employers offer attractive salaries. For those who have not completed formal training, there are also well-paid jobs without training that can be a valuable option.
Examples of part-time jobs for students
- Technical support: Assisting customers with technical problems, often by phone or chat, provides insights into IT and support processes.
- Junior CAD draughtsman: Working with CAD software to support engineers in the creation of technical drawings, suitable for engineering students.
- Laboratory assistant in technical or scientific laboratories: Support in carrying out experiments, data acquisition and analysis, particularly suitable for students of scientific or technical courses.
- Research assistant at the university: assisting professors with research work, preparing documents or supervising laboratory work.
- Freelance work: Web design, graphic design, or copywriting for various clients, with flexible working hours and scope of work.
- IT support assistants: Support for the IT team in companies or at the university, usually with higher technical requirements and better pay than simple mini-jobs.
- Internships in specialist areas: Practical experience in relevant industries, often partially remunerated or with potential career opportunities after graduation.

Why WorkerHero is the ideal platform for your job search
WorkerHero is your go-to resource when it comes to finding student jobs in the blue and gray collar industry. Whether as a warehouse worker - an excellent option for students - or in a technical part-time job that allows engineering students to put their theoretical knowledge into practice. Here you will find numerous opportunities to suit your field of study and schedule. Visit our website and discover how we can help you find the ideal student job that not only pays well, but also advances your career.